Steele County Soil and Water Conservation District Education Outreach

Envirothon is an outdoor, Hands-on Learning Experience for high school and junior high students. It centers around five different learning stations (soils, wildlife, water resources, forestry and current environmental issues) each of which are staffed by professionals on that subject. The students also have to make a ten minute oral presentation.
The Area 7 Envirothon is sponsored by the 11 county SE Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation Districts (Freeborn, Mower, Fillmore, Houston, Winona, Olmsted, Dodge, Rice, Wabasha, Goodhue and Steele). The top three teams go on to compete at the state level and then the top team at the state will compete at the national level.
Contact your local SWCD for more information on joining us for the 2020 Area Envirothon. For Steele County, contact Adrienne at 507-451-6730 Ext. 3.
For more information on the Envirothon go to the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources website.

The Steele Co. SWCD has had a display at the fair in the Izaak Walton Fish & Wildlife Building for as long as anyone can remember. Staff or Supervisors are scheduled to be there each evening of the fair.
Stop by and register for free trees. A drawing will be held every day and listed at the booth. The winners will receive information on when to pick up their free tree or trees in the spring. Along with this information, they will receive information on the next year’s District’s Tree Program.
There will be free information on our conservation programs. If there are questions that can’t be found at the booth, please call or stop by the Conservation Office.